The game revolves around Cuphead, the title character, who is a cup came to life, but if played in two players, he is joined in his adventures by his brother, Mugman, a mug came to life, of course. Now, of course, as it would be expected, fan-made games for browsers have also appeared in this time, and we are happy to say that we're sharing with you here the best of them since we know that you have a keen interest in checking them out, and we would never disappoint you with our content! Enter the world of Cuphead: Don't Deal with The Devil!
Cuphead Games is here to satisfy all you Cuphead-heads out there since we know that there are plenty of you, as this original indie run-and-gun video game that dropped in 2017 was a massive hit in that year, and its popularity only became bigger down the road, which is how in 2022 we get the expansion called The Delicious Last Course, as well as the Netflix animated series based on it called The Cuphead Show!.